About Us

The Maritime sector is considered to be one of the most regulated professions in the world. The statutory, legal, national, international, industrial, professional, labor, trade union and many other bodies put stringent requirements on the ships, companies and mariners; which is why, it is always expected that these requirements are exceeded.

Such professions require everything to be specific with a major focus on attention to detail. To fulfil the gap and keeping in view the requirements of the Maritime industry, we have devised Ourseaworld.com .

As a Company, you can post specific job requirements with all details.

As a Candidate, you can prepare a professional resume with every minute detail and fill in your experience and job roles so far. The site will also serve as a time log and document storage space for all Mariners.

As a training institute, you can post training schedules which will be available to the industry in an easy, user friendly manner at the click of a button.

It is our goal that the shipping fraternity comes together and starts to make changes to ensure all round professional growth, mariners start to train themselves as professionals to safely work on certain kinds of vessels and companies start to seek specific requirements in the mariners.

The training institutes have a very important role in bridging the gap between 'available knowledge' and 'required knowledge' in Mariners.

The days of Generalization for job posting are over.

  Ourseaworld.com aims to bring  Companies, Training Institutes and Mariners together for mutual benefits.